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GCM Collective:
Robin Hood Movie:

Site 1: ESPN

ESPN’s website intends to be the leading communicator of sports information for the casual or serious sports fan. It is intended for a variety of age groups and sporting types, with detailed information on almost every sport and team. To accomplish this objective, it uses a variety of multimedia. On the home page alone you have access to streaming videos, streaming audio, flash and automatically updating text and tables. If you look deeper you can find a number of videos for download as well as some live video streaming. One example of this is when ESPN had the rights to a Lakers game. I don’t have a television, but I was able to watch the game live on their ESPN3 page. Once a game has streamed live, you are able to watch it at a later time by selecting it from their archives. They also have live radio streaming, allowing people to listen to their radio station live over the internet. You can again later listen to past radio segments by streaming through the site or by downloading onto your computer or specifically into Itunes or another media program. This certainly is effective, providing an oversaturation of information on sports through a number of different media. I can find more information than I need on a game or team, complete with audio and video news pieces.

Site 2: GCM Collective

The GCM Collective website is a dispenser of information primarily for pastors examining how the Gospel, community and mission all fit into the life of the church. Church leaders are able to find training materials and enter discussions on how to effectively be the church in their local communities. On the home page, there is a flash rotating window highlighting important upcoming events and topics along with blog entries from a number of leaders of the movement. As you search further, you can find both video and audio streaming from past conferences and discussions for leaders. Even though it does utilize a variety of multimedia, the site is fairly simple, accomplishing its purpose without excessive technology.

Site 3: Robin Hood

The Robin Hood website is essentially a large interactive advertisement for the movie. It connects fans or others interested in details about the movie, whether showtimes, trailers, the video game or sound track. The website opens with a big flash advertisement that directs you to local theaters in which the movie is playing, as well as a number of other links. There is video streaming of the Robin Hood trailers, audio streaming from the soundtrack and a number of links to social networks and blog hosts. I thought this website actually contained very little information, functioning to only give basic information that could be found on any number of other sites, like Yahoo’s Movie Guide.